Hey everyone!! I am still here and have seemed to come out of my WHY ME phase! As we talk...you read? I am currently sitting in my suite in Las Vegas! I decided I needed a little splurge to refresh my motivation, and I got a hell of a deal, too, so woohoo! I will make sure to add pictures to my Instagram so you can enjoy the time with me.
Anyways, you're not here to talk about Vegas. Last we left, I was screaming to the heavens and was borderline losing my mind. We finally received the application that was returned to us on Saturday!!!!! What proceeded was a hectic weekend where I attempted to re-do the application and add the supplementary paperwork. If you want to miss out on the fun, you can skip to the bottom, where I list the order and required documents for the application.
So we have gone from Cali to Oregon, Washington, back to Oregon, Idaho, back to Oregon, and are now in Nevada...phewww. While we were in Oregon, we received the application and had to have it ready by Monday to ship it off before driving back to Idaho. Now in true Tiffany's Law Fashion, there had to be hiccups.
Here We Go Again

Because we are homeless, we bought a printer to start copying and doing everything I need to make the application work. I had to switch it from one large application to three separate folders and make enough copies to submit all of them as if they were being filed separately. I spent all of Sunday making the rounds, saying goodbye to the in-laws, and then in-between organizing and copying; wake up Monday morning, see 3 clients before we check out at 11, and re-look at what I had compiled.
Sunday night, I sent an email to my lawyer describing all 3 applications, and Monday morning, fortunately, she emailed me with corrections because I still didn't have the order right ughghg. This time I added tabs, so I had to move those all around. Oh, I also ran out of tabs, so I had to ghetto rig (American Term, haha) and cut pieces of paper and staple them to the plastic sleeves as surrogate tabs. If anything, I am creative! We had everything ready, except we needed to get our motivation letter notarized, which still makes no sense. I mean, of course, we wrote and signed it. Who else would have signed it?
Tangent time! While we were staying at our hotel, we ended finding a light bulb full of meth and complained to the manager, who then called the cops, and only refunded us 2 of our 7 days....so while I am compiling our application on the bed of the hotel room Johnny is dealing with meth and cops! Our lives are not boring! We also happen to be in a tiny town so guess what? Of course, they have no notary services! I also realize that the Consulate will probably want it notarized in California...f***k.
Slow Down, Tiffany!

Wellllll, we will not be back in LA until Saturday the 24th, so skrew it; I'll submit it, and if it gets kicked back again, I will at least only be 40 mins from the consulate ad hopefully get it fixed. Mind you; we are trying to get this all done by our new move date, August 9th. Back to the notary story! Because there is no notary and we are trying to submit the application before the 3 pm mail-off, I find an online notary service.
Easy right? Nope, Johnny couldn't get the answers about himself right to verify his identity. We go to another site that won't work with my computer. Go back to the other site and create a different login, and Johnny remembers who he is, and we are verified. The Notary pops on the screen and asks us what state we need this for? Sweet! I can get a California notary after all. We do the thing, get it signed and emailed. Now I have to go and print out the form 3 times and put it in the applications.
I print it out, and low and behold, the Notary is from Virginia, so no California anything. At this point, I could care less if he was from the moon. We are sending it anyways. Cue Johnny's favorite line, "You need to slow down, Tiffany." Now, this is probably when I realize that I should be a little more organized and take my time when reviewing documents, nahh. Even though the process was online, I used my genuine signature, but because it was printed out, there isn't technically an original. I am hoping with COVID issues that the online notary will suffice. All of this for the form that wasn't even listed on the application requirements, that we included anyways, that wasn't notarized because it wasn't on the application requirements, so they couldn't tell us we needed it notarized...
We ran to the post office, and luckily they were running late, so I was able to make the 3 pm pick-up time at 3:30 pm and have it shipped out the same day. The woman helping me was lovely and got me a better box to save me money. I skip to the car, not really cause it's scorching, but get to the car, look at my receipt, and instead of 2-day shipping, it's 3 days.....oh well! It is now Wednesday, and I have managed not to lose the receipt so far, and according to the tracking, it should arrive either today or Thursday! I was told by my lawyer we should be a priority, so hopefully, we will have an answer by Friday. If we need to fix anything, we will be in LA on Saturday.
Try, Try, And Try Again

We thought of bumping our flight by one more week, but after I was told it would cost $245 to change it, I took it as a sign that we are meant to go on August 9th! I checked with the pet company, and if necessary, we will be able to change the pet flight. We will wait till next week, the 2-week mark, until we leave, and go from there! I made this post long enough, so I will go over the joys of renting an Airbnb in Alicante in another post and how we can't get a hold of our airline to add our dog to the flight! See, even if we get approved, there will still be plenty of drama and intrigue to keep you guessing!
Here is the list of items in the order we turned them in to help you with your application, hopefully. I didn't retake pictures because I already did that, and we saw how that worked out, so I will list all 3 of our applications and what they consisted of! I hope you are ready for my next chapter, where we will either have the most relieving answer ever, or we will continue our ride of the never-ending Visa carousel! Thanks for the love, and as always, subscribe and share!
Without further adieu, the list!
Designation of representation: original and copy
National visa form: original and copy
Passport size picture
Passport: original and copy
Proof of residency in LA area (drivers license): original and copy
Form ex 01: original and copy
Form 79052: original and copy
Medical certificate: original and copy
Criminal records: original and copy + translations and copy
11. Proof of funds– bank statements: original and copy + translations and copy
12. Proof of funds– house sold: original and copy + translations and copy
13. Proof of funds– bank letter: original and copy+ translations and copy
Tax return: original and copy + translations and copy
Health insurance: original and copy (ours were already in Spanish)
Disclaimer: original and copy
Marriage certificate- Tiffany and Johnathan: original and copy + translations and copy
Letter of Motivation notarized: original and copy
Termination letter: original and copy + translations and copy (supplementary paperwork due to our age)
Designation of representation: original and copy
National visa form: original and copy
Passport size picture
Passport: original and copy
Proof of residency in LA area (drivers license): original and copy
Form ex 01: original and copy
Form 79052: original and copy
Medical certificate: original and copy
Criminal records: original and copy + translations and copy
11. Proof of funds– bank statements: copy + translations copy
12. Proof of funds– house sold: copy + translations copy
13. Proof of funds– bank letter: copy+ translations copy
Tax return: copy + translations copy
Health insurance: original and copy (ours were already in Spanish)
Disclaimer: original and copy
Marriage certificate- Tiffany and Johnathan: copy + translations copy
Letter of Motivation notarized: original and copy (supplementary)
Termination letter: original and copy + translations and copy (supplementary paperwork due to our age)
Jackson Abujen :
Designation of representation: original and copy
National visa form: original and copy
Passport size picture
Passport: original and copy
Proof of residency in LA area (drivers license): copy of Tiffany's and Johnny's licenses
Form ex 01: original and copy
Form 79052: original and copy
Medical certificate: original and copy
11. Proof of funds– bank statements: copy + translations copy
12. Proof of funds– house sold: copy + translations copy
13. Proof of funds– bank letter: copy+ translations copy
Tax return: copy + translation copy
Health insurance: original and copy
Disclaimer: original and copy
Marriage certificate- Tiffany and Johnathan: copy + translation copy
Birth Certificate -Jackson's: original and copy + translation and copy
Cover letter notarized: copy
Every Consulate is different so yours may have different requirements, so make sure to check your consulate's website to stay up to date on any changes.